As mentioned before, things music wise will be quiet as both my clients, Fault Station and Fiona are just ordinary people and like all other ordinary people they face obstacles with time, obstacles with making the paper to support their music and as we call it being "starving artistes".
It has been frustrating somewhat as you see so much that should be happening but circumstances are just beyond your what do you do? Freak out an become depressed or ask God to grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. I opt for the latter these days, when you never know what life will throw at you.
So I will see this as an opportunity rather than a hindrance, and grasp it by the horns to just speak my mind. So I guess those who read this will get to see a more personal side of me rather than me just speaking on behalf of someone else.
So much is going on in the world is difficult to pinpoint a topic that won't have interrelated tentacles stretching and tangled into everything else. I guess I will start from this exact point and see where it goes... right now the TV is on and Erykah Badu is doing her thing from back in the day when she first started out...I love music btw...anything and all things music so most of the time when I'm watching TV its on VH1 Soul or BET.
I guess that is my topic for tonight..Black Music and I find it fitting since its suppose to be Black History Month...but coming from Barbados...every month is Black History Month since we make up 90% of the country's population. But back to the music..I find there has been a rapid and dynamic evolution in the music scene, with influences from bluegrass to folk and I ask myself..Is this the globalization of music? Maybe so since we are trying so hard to become smaller using communication and technology. But as my mum always says everything in moderation and its all well and good to have the merger of the different genres but I am weary of it getting to the point where you cannot tell the difference between hip hop and dancehall...or reggae and rap.
But hey...who am I right...I'm not a music mogul or a industry exec so what do I know? Who knows? I love the new sound from Kayne, Pharrell and others who have given the radio waves the much needed injection of innovation to pull it back from falling over the edge of despair.
That's my input for now...don't know if I will have more to say at a later date...maybe :)
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
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