Little did I know that what I expected to be a great show, turned out to be all hell brek loose!
- First of all, what is the point of purchasing a ticket when I have to get in the same line as people who are paying money? Come on promoters and organizers this is a problem that has been tried and tested for so many years...have two separate lines and people with tickets should ALWAYS GET PRIORITY.
- Secondly, the ROYAL BARBADOS POLICE FORCE needs training in how to deal with crowd control, and anyone who wants to tell me they have training would have to be absent from this show...the police had NO CONTROL over anything. Standing at a closed gate waiting to get in can make people very agitated and when you send a lone officer to allow THREE people to come in, expect a stampede when its every man woman and child for themselves.
- Thirdly, who genius choose one of the SMALLEST venues in Barbados to bring one of Jamaica's BIGGEST you see the problem? Thank God that there wasn't a freak natural disaster cause 3/4 of BIM population was down dey. NOTE TO PROMOTERS: stop playing cheap! We all know full well that a show of that magnitude isn't going to flop...get a venue that is suited to the crowd i.e the Stadium or Kensington Oval. This will allow for a proper general admission and a VIP not elbow room and people in the so called VIP having to duck to look under the make shift tent!
- Fourthly, this starting an stopping to tell people get off de stage is BARE SHITE! Where de security...clearly wanna need task force cause de shitty police an security that bout dey din doing nain! As soon as de man start to perform, 10 seconds cant pass without " could the persons on the stage please move back" to " could the persons on the stage please leave". If dem int wanna move move them! It resulted in a premature end to the show which led patrons to be even more cross
- Lastly, I would like to read the contract between the promoters and the artistes, since I clearly didn't understand that it was more of a GAZA show than a KARTEL show. Its all good that he wants to push his new artistes and I respect that but I cannot deal with some no name on stage singing a song no one knows and taking up the majority of the performance.
All in all I give the show a 3.5/10 and performance only I would rate 7/10. But the promoters in Barbados need to take all of these things into consideration before attempting to hold a show.
This is your girl Risse signing off....even though I had a skeptical experience
GAZA mi seh!
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future

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