I have tried to wrap my head around this catastrophic situation which has affected my neighbouring island of Haiti and have failed each time. When a country that has suffered so much over the years, economically, socially & politically is struck by a massive, unavoidable stumbling block such as a 7.0 earthquake ...we have to ask ourselves how are we so lucky....why them and not us....what did they do to deserve this...and my answer is always the same-:
NOTHING! Haiti never did anything to deserve the continuous bad breaks that are having but somehow....some backward, nonsensical, illiterate jackasses have the BALLS to air their shitholes on the international scene, about why the tradegy happened...and how it could have been avoided...and who is benefitting from it...and how its a political strategy!
Seriously, some of you should have your tongues superglued to the roof of your mouth! People like Rush Limbaugh ...and Pat Robertson who cannot even pronounce the name of the country properly should choke on their tongues with the amount of filth coming from their mouths!
Below are the clips of ignorance...please listen carefully:
Pat Robertson's Ignorance
Rush Limbaugh's Ignorance
On the other hand, there are people out there who see this for what it is...A TRAGEDY...persons such as Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow who put the facts out there...and don't just talk trash. Maddow's clip is especially interesting as she speaks to the Ambassador to Haiti in the US... who has put those fools in their places with the FACTS of history and especially the history of Haiti.
Rachael Maddow's Comments
Keith Oldermann's Comments
To you who read this and know what it is like to deal with tragedy...everyday in Haiti was a tragedy prior to this earthquake so none of us can fathom what it is like now. Let us all do what we can, even if it's a dollar a day, EVERY cent counts. So open your hearts & minds and help our brothers and sisters. Their lives are of equal value to ours, regardless of what some may believe.
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
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