Friday, June 4, 2010

Dudus, Oil Spills, Acceptance Letters ...RANT

So after my last blog I kinda went into hibernation watching all of the good TV series I was missing out on since I was busy with UWI. I like my vampires...alot so I have stocked up on my Vampire Diaries and True Blood ( TB starting back on June 15 so....u know).

Along with that, I have been trying to work out since I have so much time on my hands now...I int gine lie... its hard cause you need the motivation and sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything to those people out there who work out avidly every day...more power to you I respect that 100% and one day maybe I will get there but that day just int today!

Even though I was in hibernation I still kept in touch with the outside world a bit, as you can tell from the title, the oil spill in the Gulf but especially the State of Emergency in Jamaica. Now I have never experienced anything like that in Barbados, for the most part we are somewhat quiet, but I really don't know how I would feel being the average Jamaican citizen living in places like Tivoli Gardens. You wake up going about your business as per usual and then suddenly everything looks like a clip from a war movie!

And for one man, I swear he has got to be some sort of demi god cause people were willing to LAY down their lives for this man. I do understand to some extent how it works that these "  dons" protect different communities and in turn some members of the community feel obligated to stand up for that's called loyalty,it's something people were doing from the days of Jesus. 

However, what I don't condone is the killing of innocent people who want nothing to do with the back and forth...that is just WRONG. One thing in particular which pissed me off was the children who had to do CXCs and the government was so adamant that the children should still leave home...even though some schools were do an exam. I don't have children but I do have lil cousins and in a situation as savage as the one in way in HELL my child leaving my eyesight...the exam would come again...I can't however bring you back when you get shot down in the street or worst.

From the looks of it, this situation has some deep historical roots into the cultural and political aspects of Jamaica, which will be revealed soon enough. But I know just what the media is feeding me so, we will have to wait and see how everything pans out in the end.

The oil spill I hardly know anything about but as I was reading up different articles about it I came across one that was just plain ignorant and somewhat irrelevant. This radio host found it necessary to pick on Pres. Obama's older daughter Malia who is ELEVEN....the age we go into secondary school at in to place this in context she is in Class Four/ First Form, depending. Now the host thought that he had the right to critique Malia's level of intelligence because she asked her father if he plugged the hole in the ocean to my knowledge the question was a valid one. It might not have been the best choice of words but she is least she understands what is going on around her....can't say that for some people twice her age...who don't know the capital of their own country (TSK).

All I saying is ...if you don't have anything nice to say...shut your trap and just move on. Don't do something stupid and then make yourself look even stupider by having to publicly apologize for it, when it all could have been avoided.

Last but certainly not least :) I received my acceptance letter from the university I wanted to get into to do my MA (I will divulge all the details at a later date). But I am ecstatic about this because I think I worked really hard at UWI and I deserve the opportunity to continue doing my thing ya know... I will say that I have to leave Bimshire to pursue my studies which is somewhat bittersweet but hey ya gotta do wha ya gotta do..."""  Bim int gine nahway it gine be hey when ya get back"  (thas what my mum said lol). So definitely having the time of my life this summer since this will be my last summer here in Bim as a student cause after the programme its straight to work!!! Oh the joy of being employed lol...anyways I'm signing off here for now...hibernation mode is done so you will be hearing more from moi



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