Wow...43 years of independence has to be an accomplishment for any country and it has been for my country Barbados. Its no doubt that BIM, like all former colonies of Europe have found a way to stand on their own two feet right? Or are we deceived by the so called first world countries to believe we are independent.
So we no longer answer to the Queen and the Premier is now a Prime Minister but are we really free from colonialism with conglomerates like the International Monetary Fund and the other international organizations dictating our pace? This entry isn't to belittle the achievements of our forefathers but rather to shed light on the yoke that binds us still as we are not truly free.
No country will ever clear its debt with the country will ever be free from the " conditionalities" impose for the sole purpose to be stumbling blocks in the path of development. So this leaves us to question the extent to our independence as much has changed since that fateful night on the Garrison Savannah November 30th 1966, we still have to toe the lines drawn by the super powers of the G8 countries.
So to the young people of Barbados, remember the privilege we have of being an independent country but never forget that their is always room for improvement.
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Up and On, Up and On

Once again, the final week in October has ended with a reunion that I wouldn't have missed for the world! For those who don't know I am a proud COMBERMERIAN and as a product of Waterford University I understand the meaning of school spirit and the bond which all of us share.
However, as with all great things they come with some obstacles and for years people have envied the fellowship that Combermerians share. I am of the belief that excelling in academics is something you can achieve regardless of what institution you went to because the school can only facilitate and open an avenue for the knowledge to be received. It is up to the individual after that point to make the conscious decision whether they will take it or leave it. At the end of the day we are all doing the same CXCs and when the results come back it reflects on you primarily and then your school.
With that said, I would like to give my heartfelt apologies for those persons who don't understand the spirit of my alma mater. This had nothing to do with fairy dust or brainwashing but it has everything to do with understanding the history which you have become a part of. Combermere was the school that allowed those who weren't as rich to receive a higher education in the days when children had to wake up at 5 in the morning to tie out sheep and handle every chore before walking to or not.
It opened many opportunities for black people in Barbados to excel and that is one of the main reasons we are so proud of our school, a landmark in Barbadian history. So for you who have problems with "Cawmere", stop trying to find fault and be proud of your own. We only got thus far because we banded together as a school, nothing and no one is stopping others from doing the same.
I think I have said what was necessary and I will stick by my school through thick and thin, hell and high water. It was a period in my life where I learnt invaluable lessons, things I could never learn in a classroom.
I close with these well known words of the school's motto
Religione. Humanitate. Industria
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
Monday, October 26, 2009
Kartel YES...Promotors and Organizers FAIL
From when I was a wee first former in 1999 I had always liked Vybz Kartel/Adidjah Palmer's music. It was de song to look out for when de riddims come out from JA. So when in 2009 I got the opportunity to see him perform live I couldn't pass it up.
Little did I know that what I expected to be a great show, turned out to be all hell brek loose!
All in all I give the show a 3.5/10 and performance only I would rate 7/10. But the promoters in Barbados need to take all of these things into consideration before attempting to hold a show.
This is your girl Risse signing off....even though I had a skeptical experience
GAZA mi seh!
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
Little did I know that what I expected to be a great show, turned out to be all hell brek loose!
- First of all, what is the point of purchasing a ticket when I have to get in the same line as people who are paying money? Come on promoters and organizers this is a problem that has been tried and tested for so many years...have two separate lines and people with tickets should ALWAYS GET PRIORITY.
- Secondly, the ROYAL BARBADOS POLICE FORCE needs training in how to deal with crowd control, and anyone who wants to tell me they have training would have to be absent from this show...the police had NO CONTROL over anything. Standing at a closed gate waiting to get in can make people very agitated and when you send a lone officer to allow THREE people to come in, expect a stampede when its every man woman and child for themselves.
- Thirdly, who genius choose one of the SMALLEST venues in Barbados to bring one of Jamaica's BIGGEST you see the problem? Thank God that there wasn't a freak natural disaster cause 3/4 of BIM population was down dey. NOTE TO PROMOTERS: stop playing cheap! We all know full well that a show of that magnitude isn't going to flop...get a venue that is suited to the crowd i.e the Stadium or Kensington Oval. This will allow for a proper general admission and a VIP not elbow room and people in the so called VIP having to duck to look under the make shift tent!
- Fourthly, this starting an stopping to tell people get off de stage is BARE SHITE! Where de security...clearly wanna need task force cause de shitty police an security that bout dey din doing nain! As soon as de man start to perform, 10 seconds cant pass without " could the persons on the stage please move back" to " could the persons on the stage please leave". If dem int wanna move move them! It resulted in a premature end to the show which led patrons to be even more cross
- Lastly, I would like to read the contract between the promoters and the artistes, since I clearly didn't understand that it was more of a GAZA show than a KARTEL show. Its all good that he wants to push his new artistes and I respect that but I cannot deal with some no name on stage singing a song no one knows and taking up the majority of the performance.
All in all I give the show a 3.5/10 and performance only I would rate 7/10. But the promoters in Barbados need to take all of these things into consideration before attempting to hold a show.
This is your girl Risse signing off....even though I had a skeptical experience
GAZA mi seh!
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Please...don't INSULT my intelligence
It seems that corporate Barbados and the Barbadian government are still on the "Ryan Brathwaite" high even after the golden boy has returned to his normal everyday routine at his overseas university.
Don't get me wrong I am not taking away anything from Ryan's success, I am just as proud as any other Bajan who knows what this young man has done for Barbados but there is no use in being stuck on the facts after so much acknowledgements have been given.
But somehow that has not occurred to the government and corporate Barbados in their recent statements regarding Ms. Barbados World 2009.
Before I start I want to say that Leah Marville deserved to win that title as she has worked tirelessly to promote and make her "Love Campaign" a success and it shows true to her dedication to the cause. However, I don't appreciate the way in which the government and corporate world have suddenly surfaced from nowhere to pledge their undying support for a Ms. Barbados World.
Where was the Barbados government in 2006-2008 when Latoya McDowald and Natalie Olivia Griffith had to pay from their pockets to represent their country in Poland and South Africa respectively. These two young ladies had to carry the majority of their expenses on the love and support of their parents, friends and family.
And this is not a case where they went and didn't achieve anything, these two Barbadian beauties were excellent in representing for Barbados and putting our name out there. Latoya placed 6th in the swim suit and in the top 10 for the gown and talent segments. In 2008, Natalie won the talent segment from a group of over a hundred contestants. I fail to see how these achievements could not warrant the attention of the powers that be.
It must be said that these young ladies, similarly to Ms. Marville seeked support from these same persons in Government and corporate Barbados and did not receive so much as response or call back to the numerous attempts made by them to involve these parties.
I sincerely hope that this message is being interpreted in the correct way....which is there is no pride in being bandwagonist and that its never too late to acknowledge those who have gone before and done Barbados proud.
To end my post...I leave you with a Maya Angelou quote which says "All great achievements require time"
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
Don't get me wrong I am not taking away anything from Ryan's success, I am just as proud as any other Bajan who knows what this young man has done for Barbados but there is no use in being stuck on the facts after so much acknowledgements have been given.
But somehow that has not occurred to the government and corporate Barbados in their recent statements regarding Ms. Barbados World 2009.
Before I start I want to say that Leah Marville deserved to win that title as she has worked tirelessly to promote and make her "Love Campaign" a success and it shows true to her dedication to the cause. However, I don't appreciate the way in which the government and corporate world have suddenly surfaced from nowhere to pledge their undying support for a Ms. Barbados World.
Where was the Barbados government in 2006-2008 when Latoya McDowald and Natalie Olivia Griffith had to pay from their pockets to represent their country in Poland and South Africa respectively. These two young ladies had to carry the majority of their expenses on the love and support of their parents, friends and family.
And this is not a case where they went and didn't achieve anything, these two Barbadian beauties were excellent in representing for Barbados and putting our name out there. Latoya placed 6th in the swim suit and in the top 10 for the gown and talent segments. In 2008, Natalie won the talent segment from a group of over a hundred contestants. I fail to see how these achievements could not warrant the attention of the powers that be.
It must be said that these young ladies, similarly to Ms. Marville seeked support from these same persons in Government and corporate Barbados and did not receive so much as response or call back to the numerous attempts made by them to involve these parties.
I sincerely hope that this message is being interpreted in the correct way....which is there is no pride in being bandwagonist and that its never too late to acknowledge those who have gone before and done Barbados proud.
To end my post...I leave you with a Maya Angelou quote which says "All great achievements require time"
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
Monday, September 14, 2009
Kayne need help!!!
Ok so I've seen all the facebook statuses talking about the VMA's and the whole ordeal with Taylor Swift and Kayne I just had to go peep it on youtube......SMDH (shake my damn head for my older crew)
I'm going to be devil's advocate here and blame it on the alcohol cause I would hate to believe that he was sober and did something sooooooooooooooo stupid. I don't respect how Kayne acts like a spoiled child at these award shows...before he usta kick up a fuss cause he didn't win and now he wanna drag Beyonce onto his make shift band wagon...boy go in a corner and learn some sense!
I'm no big fan of country music and I know like two Taylor Swift I am no judge on if she deserves the award or not. But that is besides the point! I honestly believe that something needs to be done about these outbursts he has/had/is having/will continue to have. She didn't deserve that sort of treatment..furthermore NO one deserves that type of treatment when receiving an award in front thousands of people at a LIVE show.
But as my mother always says...people know who to do dem tings to! I am sureeee as the sun is going to rise tomorrow that he wouldn't have tried that shit with a black artiste...cause the steel in his mouth wouldn't have saved the slap or cuff he would have gotten. NUFF SAID
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
I'm going to be devil's advocate here and blame it on the alcohol cause I would hate to believe that he was sober and did something sooooooooooooooo stupid. I don't respect how Kayne acts like a spoiled child at these award shows...before he usta kick up a fuss cause he didn't win and now he wanna drag Beyonce onto his make shift band wagon...boy go in a corner and learn some sense!
I'm no big fan of country music and I know like two Taylor Swift I am no judge on if she deserves the award or not. But that is besides the point! I honestly believe that something needs to be done about these outbursts he has/had/is having/will continue to have. She didn't deserve that sort of treatment..furthermore NO one deserves that type of treatment when receiving an award in front thousands of people at a LIVE show.
But as my mother always says...people know who to do dem tings to! I am sureeee as the sun is going to rise tomorrow that he wouldn't have tried that shit with a black artiste...cause the steel in his mouth wouldn't have saved the slap or cuff he would have gotten. NUFF SAID
Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future
Nicole King
This post isn't going to be like the rest...this is the real deal here and its very solemn and straight up.
A week and two days ago, my friend and former schoolmate Nicole King was involved in a tragic car accident that has left her fighting for her life at the QEH. Amidst the genuinely concerned friends and fellow Barbadians who were worried about her well being and condition...they were a few bad apples who as in anything that deviates from the norm, tried to look for gossip and propaganda to fuel a fire that should have NEVER been started.
I would like each and everyone of you to place yourself in her her mother's shoes...all you would want is a fair and fighting chance to be well and out of the hospital and as a mother for your daughter to be back to her old self again.
My advice therefore is to count the number of fingers pointing back at you when you waste time speculating on what would, could, should and didn't happen before that night...instead GO to the Blood Bank at the Sir Winston Scott Polyclinic and donate a pint of your blood, GET down on your knees and thank the Lord for being so good to you and ask him to keep Nicole in his arms on her journey back to health and be supportive to this young woman who has done nothing to deserve the situation which she is faced with!!!
The number at the Blood Bank is 429-4307...if need be call before you go to find out if you are eligible to donate. The following are some points which you should note:
A week and two days ago, my friend and former schoolmate Nicole King was involved in a tragic car accident that has left her fighting for her life at the QEH. Amidst the genuinely concerned friends and fellow Barbadians who were worried about her well being and condition...they were a few bad apples who as in anything that deviates from the norm, tried to look for gossip and propaganda to fuel a fire that should have NEVER been started.
I would like each and everyone of you to place yourself in her her mother's shoes...all you would want is a fair and fighting chance to be well and out of the hospital and as a mother for your daughter to be back to her old self again.
My advice therefore is to count the number of fingers pointing back at you when you waste time speculating on what would, could, should and didn't happen before that night...instead GO to the Blood Bank at the Sir Winston Scott Polyclinic and donate a pint of your blood, GET down on your knees and thank the Lord for being so good to you and ask him to keep Nicole in his arms on her journey back to health and be supportive to this young woman who has done nothing to deserve the situation which she is faced with!!!
The number at the Blood Bank is 429-4307...if need be call before you go to find out if you are eligible to donate. The following are some points which you should note:
You CANNOT give blood if:
· You had a TATTOO done within the last 12 months.
· You GAVE BIRTH within the last 6 months.
· You had a PIERCING done within the last 6 months.
· You have the COLD or FLU
· You are taking ANTI-BIOTICS
On that note...I would like to reiterate my initial point...don't believe everything you hear and stop speculating. Those things are minuscule at this time. The task at hand is to get Nicole through these hard times with the help, support and pray from everyone who knows about the situation.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
/me Crop Over!!!
Alas...the hype and intensity of the #1 season in Barbados has come to an end. This year, the season has been lauded to be the best in a long time by officials and laymen alike but I think that is a grave understatement.
Crop Over 2009 has raised the bar tremendously especially in the face of the economic crisis. The quality and quantity of music was much improved as many new artistes come onto the scene, even though many of them had no interest in competition- their music was well received. The relocation of the Party Monarch did not harm the turn out of patrons and it was inaugural for one of Barbados' longest performing female artistes.
TC has been in competition for over a decade, and in 2009 she took two of the four major titles coveted in the festival. Many had mixed feelings about her win, while others have been more than elated about what they may consider as long overdue. But what is done is done and I personally feel that congratulations are in order.
The General, Edwin Yearwood came back in full force this year with his song " In de middle a de road" taking both Road March and People's Monarch. This song was not only causing damage on the airwaves but anyone can safely say that during the season, 9 out of 10 people had this as their ringtone. Edwin continues to come fresh and new each year, I do believe some of the older artistes can take a leaf out of his book.
Culminating on the first Monday in August, the bands paraded from the National Stadium onto the ever popular Spring Garden Highway. My experience with Cable and Wireless Contact was not bad but the initial stages were quite bumpy. However once on the road it was PURE JAMISHNESS till we reach!!!! I will never miss another Grand Kadooment as it has to be the best day of the year in Barbados by far!
So thanks once again to the National Cultural Foundation and all those persons who made this Crop Over so successful...all I ask is that the second day be considered for 2010 :)
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Crop Over 2009 has raised the bar tremendously especially in the face of the economic crisis. The quality and quantity of music was much improved as many new artistes come onto the scene, even though many of them had no interest in competition- their music was well received. The relocation of the Party Monarch did not harm the turn out of patrons and it was inaugural for one of Barbados' longest performing female artistes.
TC has been in competition for over a decade, and in 2009 she took two of the four major titles coveted in the festival. Many had mixed feelings about her win, while others have been more than elated about what they may consider as long overdue. But what is done is done and I personally feel that congratulations are in order.
The General, Edwin Yearwood came back in full force this year with his song " In de middle a de road" taking both Road March and People's Monarch. This song was not only causing damage on the airwaves but anyone can safely say that during the season, 9 out of 10 people had this as their ringtone. Edwin continues to come fresh and new each year, I do believe some of the older artistes can take a leaf out of his book.
Culminating on the first Monday in August, the bands paraded from the National Stadium onto the ever popular Spring Garden Highway. My experience with Cable and Wireless Contact was not bad but the initial stages were quite bumpy. However once on the road it was PURE JAMISHNESS till we reach!!!! I will never miss another Grand Kadooment as it has to be the best day of the year in Barbados by far!
So thanks once again to the National Cultural Foundation and all those persons who made this Crop Over so successful...all I ask is that the second day be considered for 2010 :)
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Thursday, June 25, 2009
★♫★M.J★♫★ 29/08/1959 - 25/06/2009
So maybe you were on your way home from work...or liming at the office waiting on your friend to hurry up and finish what they were doing or on your way to the gym....but it doesn't matter cuz when your phone rang or you got that text or that message on your blackberry saying..."I hear Michael Jackson dead" you tell yourself what really going on here...
Only this week was I constantly humming his song "Rock with You" and it was stuck in my mind on repeat. But none of that changes the fact that the music industry has lost one of its greatest icons ever...and I still feel glad that he has been honoured on numerous occasions for his contribution cuz I realize people only give jack his jacket when the person is six feet under.
MJ had the power to do what much other facets in life couldn't achieve...bypassing all the obstacles of colour, class, religion, gender, age etc etc to bring people together and let unity reign even if it was for a 3 hour performance...he had that touch.
Bringing me to my point...that the only thing fair in life is death...and we all have to die. People always want to go to heaven but no one wants to die...and for a man like MJ to pass away it saddens me and he will be missed but his death is no greater than the death of a mother in Africa or a father in Iraq or any person for that matter. Everyone has equal importance in this life and we all have a purpose to fulfill.
He lived a full life ...many of us might not even live to see 50 and despite his trials and tribulations he will never be forgotten and his name will be forever etched in history.
The moral of this blog is...celebrities are human too and their is no reason to over react cuz the media is bombarding you constantly with every opinion of Tom, Dick and Harry about who what when where how and why...just remember the person when they were at their prime and as for MJ he was the best entertainer of all time a proud product of the Black race and he will always be remembered for his smooth moves and beautiful voice.
R.I.P MJ you will be surely missed
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Only this week was I constantly humming his song "Rock with You" and it was stuck in my mind on repeat. But none of that changes the fact that the music industry has lost one of its greatest icons ever...and I still feel glad that he has been honoured on numerous occasions for his contribution cuz I realize people only give jack his jacket when the person is six feet under.
MJ had the power to do what much other facets in life couldn't achieve...bypassing all the obstacles of colour, class, religion, gender, age etc etc to bring people together and let unity reign even if it was for a 3 hour performance...he had that touch.
Bringing me to my point...that the only thing fair in life is death...and we all have to die. People always want to go to heaven but no one wants to die...and for a man like MJ to pass away it saddens me and he will be missed but his death is no greater than the death of a mother in Africa or a father in Iraq or any person for that matter. Everyone has equal importance in this life and we all have a purpose to fulfill.
He lived a full life ...many of us might not even live to see 50 and despite his trials and tribulations he will never be forgotten and his name will be forever etched in history.
The moral of this blog is...celebrities are human too and their is no reason to over react cuz the media is bombarding you constantly with every opinion of Tom, Dick and Harry about who what when where how and why...just remember the person when they were at their prime and as for MJ he was the best entertainer of all time a proud product of the Black race and he will always be remembered for his smooth moves and beautiful voice.
R.I.P MJ you will be surely missed
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Summertime 101...H1N1?
I can never seem to incorporate consistency into my blog etiquette, but hey no one ever died from using the salad fork with dessert!
So its Summmmmmmerrrrrrtime! And nothing is like summer in Barbados...cuz it means one thing...CROP OVER!!! Limes, fetes, parties, drinks, friends, fun, more drinks lol. But on a more serious note Summer in Barbados or any other Caribbean island is about socializing and interacting with people- locals and tourists alike. But how will we cope with H1N1 and our annual festivals...some may suggest cancelling the entire festival until we have eradicated the virus...some may say just be careful and take all the necessary precautions.
However, I think that we need to take stock of our own behaviour before we start to panic about this disease. Before swine flu..there was date rape, drunken driving, fighting in crowds etc etc...and these things are still very much alive and kicking and are just as dangerous as H1N1.
So as summer progresses and we go to all the band fetes, limes and parties please remember that saying " I shouda, I coulda but I didn't" won't turn back the clock and erase any damage you may have caused directly or indirectly to another person...think before you act...during the act and after the fact and I'm sure Summer 09 will be as prosperous as all the previous ones.
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
So its Summmmmmmerrrrrrtime! And nothing is like summer in Barbados...cuz it means one thing...CROP OVER!!! Limes, fetes, parties, drinks, friends, fun, more drinks lol. But on a more serious note Summer in Barbados or any other Caribbean island is about socializing and interacting with people- locals and tourists alike. But how will we cope with H1N1 and our annual festivals...some may suggest cancelling the entire festival until we have eradicated the virus...some may say just be careful and take all the necessary precautions.
However, I think that we need to take stock of our own behaviour before we start to panic about this disease. Before swine flu..there was date rape, drunken driving, fighting in crowds etc etc...and these things are still very much alive and kicking and are just as dangerous as H1N1.
So as summer progresses and we go to all the band fetes, limes and parties please remember that saying " I shouda, I coulda but I didn't" won't turn back the clock and erase any damage you may have caused directly or indirectly to another person...think before you act...during the act and after the fact and I'm sure Summer 09 will be as prosperous as all the previous ones.
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ya Know Wha I Hate....these ADS!!!
So it's Saturday night and I'm home watching reality TV my life is so exciting!!! (the sarcasm is choking me) But hey, its only been 4 days since my last exam so I have summer to frolick :)
Anyways, I thought it was necessary to blog about this pressing issue while it was still hot on my mind...and we all know how hot that can get. While watching College Hill South Beach edition, these or whaeva it name ads came on and these three guys in camo were talking and while I was there wishing the ad would hurry up an finish to get back to the drama that is College Hill...I hear one of the guys in the ad say - if you like playing video games and you like blowing up stuff the army is for you.
Now I don't know who produces these ads and I don't think the people in them are really soldiers but that has to be one of the DUMBEST things I've ever heard come from a man's mouth. Do they not see what these ads are trying to achieve and the potential damage it can do?...Maybe I'm being overanalytical or it's just my paranoia but I honestly think that ad was tailored to target YOUNG BLACK PEOPLE - American and otherwise.
The entire production screamed "If you black and foolish this one for you" and it is disgusting to see how these people are so outward and blunt about their intentions. I find it disrespectful to say things like that when it comes to people's lives being put on the line to protect others and God forbid a person who lost someone in war to have seen that ad.
This ad in my opinion is a typical case of stereotyping as it is well known army scouts predominately reach out to the BLACK PUBLIC schools. I often question their logic and ask myself why they don't go into the high end clubs or private schools and hand out their cards....Black people wake up and don't be caught by the subliminal messages of these people who abuse the media for their own gain. See these things for what they are and not how they appear to be.
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Anyways, I thought it was necessary to blog about this pressing issue while it was still hot on my mind...and we all know how hot that can get. While watching College Hill South Beach edition, these or whaeva it name ads came on and these three guys in camo were talking and while I was there wishing the ad would hurry up an finish to get back to the drama that is College Hill...I hear one of the guys in the ad say - if you like playing video games and you like blowing up stuff the army is for you.
Now I don't know who produces these ads and I don't think the people in them are really soldiers but that has to be one of the DUMBEST things I've ever heard come from a man's mouth. Do they not see what these ads are trying to achieve and the potential damage it can do?...Maybe I'm being overanalytical or it's just my paranoia but I honestly think that ad was tailored to target YOUNG BLACK PEOPLE - American and otherwise.
The entire production screamed "If you black and foolish this one for you" and it is disgusting to see how these people are so outward and blunt about their intentions. I find it disrespectful to say things like that when it comes to people's lives being put on the line to protect others and God forbid a person who lost someone in war to have seen that ad.
This ad in my opinion is a typical case of stereotyping as it is well known army scouts predominately reach out to the BLACK PUBLIC schools. I often question their logic and ask myself why they don't go into the high end clubs or private schools and hand out their cards....Black people wake up and don't be caught by the subliminal messages of these people who abuse the media for their own gain. See these things for what they are and not how they appear to be.
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Monday, April 27, 2009
Reggae on the Hill 2K9 last entry was 4 days before my 21st bday :( this isn't good lol I have to keep at it but its just lack of time between school work, work and other stuff I just don't seem to have time but soon with the help of God I will be back on the grind for 2kshine.
I felt the need to take a break from studying and write about my experience at Reggae on the Hill 2009. For those who don't know its an annual festival hosted by FAS Entertainment in Barbados. I never went before since I always had an exam the next day but I told myself its now or never I don't know if I will be here in 2010 so take the chance while you have it :)
But people....this show surpassed anything I expected! It was one of the most organized events I have ever been to in Barbados in terms of timing, performances, artistes change over, sound was just the bomb! My only con about it was the crowd as it seemed like too much people for the venue but that was a speck of sand compared to the pros on the day.
As for the performances I have to give credit where its due and all the artistes outdid themselves especially Buju Banton and Queen Ifrica who had the crowds wrapped around their fingertips with their lyrics and powerful messages. The show stopper however was none other than Mr. Moses himself who I have found a whole new appreciation for....BEENIE MAN IS THE BOSS when it comes to keeping you on your feet and putting 150% into every single moment of his performance...there was no faulting him on the hill as he was jamming with the audience to the other performances and then ended the show on a high.
All in first Reggae on the Hill experience has left nothing but great memories with my friends who I have to thank for encouraging me to go....I don't regret one minute of it :) Props to FAS Entertainment and Digicel for a well organized and professional event ...cuz for some reason people feel that only international event planners can plan an event and it comes off well, but I know if they experienced that show they would have a change of heart....BAJANS could do it too and do it well if I may say so myself.
So its official...the only way I won't be going Reggae on the Hill again is if I'm not in Barbados, in a hospital bed or God forbid six feet under.
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
I felt the need to take a break from studying and write about my experience at Reggae on the Hill 2009. For those who don't know its an annual festival hosted by FAS Entertainment in Barbados. I never went before since I always had an exam the next day but I told myself its now or never I don't know if I will be here in 2010 so take the chance while you have it :)
But people....this show surpassed anything I expected! It was one of the most organized events I have ever been to in Barbados in terms of timing, performances, artistes change over, sound was just the bomb! My only con about it was the crowd as it seemed like too much people for the venue but that was a speck of sand compared to the pros on the day.
As for the performances I have to give credit where its due and all the artistes outdid themselves especially Buju Banton and Queen Ifrica who had the crowds wrapped around their fingertips with their lyrics and powerful messages. The show stopper however was none other than Mr. Moses himself who I have found a whole new appreciation for....BEENIE MAN IS THE BOSS when it comes to keeping you on your feet and putting 150% into every single moment of his performance...there was no faulting him on the hill as he was jamming with the audience to the other performances and then ended the show on a high.
All in first Reggae on the Hill experience has left nothing but great memories with my friends who I have to thank for encouraging me to go....I don't regret one minute of it :) Props to FAS Entertainment and Digicel for a well organized and professional event ...cuz for some reason people feel that only international event planners can plan an event and it comes off well, but I know if they experienced that show they would have a change of heart....BAJANS could do it too and do it well if I may say so myself.
So its official...the only way I won't be going Reggae on the Hill again is if I'm not in Barbados, in a hospital bed or God forbid six feet under.
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Intro-Spection ☆ Serenity, Courage and Wisdom☆
As mentioned before, things music wise will be quiet as both my clients, Fault Station and Fiona are just ordinary people and like all other ordinary people they face obstacles with time, obstacles with making the paper to support their music and as we call it being "starving artistes".
It has been frustrating somewhat as you see so much that should be happening but circumstances are just beyond your what do you do? Freak out an become depressed or ask God to grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. I opt for the latter these days, when you never know what life will throw at you.
So I will see this as an opportunity rather than a hindrance, and grasp it by the horns to just speak my mind. So I guess those who read this will get to see a more personal side of me rather than me just speaking on behalf of someone else.
So much is going on in the world is difficult to pinpoint a topic that won't have interrelated tentacles stretching and tangled into everything else. I guess I will start from this exact point and see where it goes... right now the TV is on and Erykah Badu is doing her thing from back in the day when she first started out...I love music btw...anything and all things music so most of the time when I'm watching TV its on VH1 Soul or BET.
I guess that is my topic for tonight..Black Music and I find it fitting since its suppose to be Black History Month...but coming from Barbados...every month is Black History Month since we make up 90% of the country's population. But back to the music..I find there has been a rapid and dynamic evolution in the music scene, with influences from bluegrass to folk and I ask myself..Is this the globalization of music? Maybe so since we are trying so hard to become smaller using communication and technology. But as my mum always says everything in moderation and its all well and good to have the merger of the different genres but I am weary of it getting to the point where you cannot tell the difference between hip hop and dancehall...or reggae and rap.
But hey...who am I right...I'm not a music mogul or a industry exec so what do I know? Who knows? I love the new sound from Kayne, Pharrell and others who have given the radio waves the much needed injection of innovation to pull it back from falling over the edge of despair.
That's my input for now...don't know if I will have more to say at a later date...maybe :)
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
It has been frustrating somewhat as you see so much that should be happening but circumstances are just beyond your what do you do? Freak out an become depressed or ask God to grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. I opt for the latter these days, when you never know what life will throw at you.
So I will see this as an opportunity rather than a hindrance, and grasp it by the horns to just speak my mind. So I guess those who read this will get to see a more personal side of me rather than me just speaking on behalf of someone else.
So much is going on in the world is difficult to pinpoint a topic that won't have interrelated tentacles stretching and tangled into everything else. I guess I will start from this exact point and see where it goes... right now the TV is on and Erykah Badu is doing her thing from back in the day when she first started out...I love music btw...anything and all things music so most of the time when I'm watching TV its on VH1 Soul or BET.
I guess that is my topic for tonight..Black Music and I find it fitting since its suppose to be Black History Month...but coming from Barbados...every month is Black History Month since we make up 90% of the country's population. But back to the music..I find there has been a rapid and dynamic evolution in the music scene, with influences from bluegrass to folk and I ask myself..Is this the globalization of music? Maybe so since we are trying so hard to become smaller using communication and technology. But as my mum always says everything in moderation and its all well and good to have the merger of the different genres but I am weary of it getting to the point where you cannot tell the difference between hip hop and dancehall...or reggae and rap.
But hey...who am I right...I'm not a music mogul or a industry exec so what do I know? Who knows? I love the new sound from Kayne, Pharrell and others who have given the radio waves the much needed injection of innovation to pull it back from falling over the edge of despair.
That's my input for now...don't know if I will have more to say at a later date...maybe :)
Y.F.B....the PR of the future
Friday, January 23, 2009
Slow Down
Hey everyone,
Just a little note letting you know that recently things have been somewhat quiet but its no indicator that things are dead.
Progress is occurring behind the scenes in order for things to happen in the
Stay tuned to the Y.F.B....The PR of the Future
Just a little note letting you know that recently things have been somewhat quiet but its no indicator that things are dead.
Progress is occurring behind the scenes in order for things to happen in the
Stay tuned to the Y.F.B....The PR of the Future
Monday, January 12, 2009
♫Make Way♫- Fault Station in the building or rather the Studio
Watch as Montana and Kas create musical history in the studio. These two know how to spit lyrics and with Minim, one of the best producers in Barbados...what can stop them?
Remember where you heard it first....Y.F.B...the PR of the Future
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Fiona doing a cover of Mariah Carey's "Hero"
Here is the first cover for January 09 from Fiona. The hit song "Hero" by Mariah Carey...take a listen and leave your comments.
Remember you heard it first on the Y.F.B...the PR of the Future
Friday, January 9, 2009
Forever by Fiona
One of the tracks from our Y.F.B #1 lady Fiona for her upcoming demo...give it a listen and tell us what you think.
This track along with others can be heard on myspace and youtube at:
Remember you heard it first on the Y.F.B...The PR of the future
Monday, January 5, 2009
Fiona ♫- Star in the Making
One of the up and coming artistes in Barbados, Fiona is the epicentre of classic R&B and soul fused with a dash of Caribbean rhythm.
This is the first of many videos to come so watch out for this songstress as she sings her way to the top!
Remember the name...Fiona
And you heard it first on the Y.F.B...The PR of the Future
Saturday, January 3, 2009
On the Grind for 2KShine
A happy and prosperous New Year to all! 2009 in the beginning of great things to happen for this blog so I advise all to stay tuned with us as events and details unfold before your eyes.
This year, I'm going 100% into the PR aspect, honing the skills necessary to take over the business. You will see me working mostly in the music industry of Barbados with up and coming artistes that you will be introduced to at a later date via vlogging.
So don't miss out on all the great things that will be happening on the Young, Fabulous and Bajan blog...The PR of the Future!
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