Saturday, December 11, 2010

Young, Fabulous and Bajan Online Magazine

Seasons greetings to one and all I hope all is well with you and yours. I love Christmas but I am sure that businesses love it more. So much for the economy being in a recession cause the way that I see people spending is LAVISH. 

Please direct me to the money trees which seem to be growing by the acre. I clearly didn't get the memo.For the holidays I am working at a restaurant and I have a new found appreciation for that business especially. I don't care how 'civilized' we are claiming to be when it comes down to hunger people revert to their very primitive and primal ways.

Moving onto matters at hand, for 2011 YFB is expanding its name to an online magazine. This magazine will be available from the first weekend in January. Without disclosing too much information about the magazine I can say this venture is 100 % BAJAN focusing on  people, style, issues, accomplishments etc. 

We at YFB look forward to bringing you objective and accurate articles, giving you new insight and appreciation for our beautiful gem of the Caribbean.
Until next time when I reveal the links to you 

Happy holidays from me to you 



Monday, July 5, 2010


So, its been a while, but your girl is here...tired, fatigued and exhausted but bring it raw and uncut once again. Several things have transpired since my last blog "a cheesecutter and a coke" which would make any sane individual spike that coke with some rum....but let me not digress and get to the meat...of the matter.

To those of you who don't know... I see my degree as a big accomplishment for me because I have had many tribulations and obstacles on my journey to this point and I must say it was only by God's grace I have seen it through to the end. That being said... I have decided to continue struggling - now in the corporate hysteria known as the workforce to make ends meet and live comfortably.

However, to my dismay...the obstacles have been fruitful an multiplied and their offspring have shown forthhhhhhhhhhh their ugly heads. Now I cannot speak for every new graduate but these opinions are from my personal experiences. Maybe I'm too particular or my expectations are unrealistic but I have some dos and dont's for employers who hire new staff:

  • Understand that university is 90% theory and the graduates don't have years of experience in the field. They are called entry level for a reason.
  • Encourage their interests in various departments, don't keep an entry level worker in one area for their entire stint because it benefits your business.
  • TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING - take a leaf from the books of international companies who hire people from all walks of life and professions. Training is paramount to building any company and can transform a entry level graduate into a VP.
  • Reward- just because the entry level graduate has been with the company for 6 months, doesn't mean you cannot show your appreciation for their effort and input into your business. A little gratitude from an employer can go a long way in the way the employee feels about their value as an asset to the company.
  •  Don't treat your entry level graduate like a student. After spending the majority of your life studying to get you to the point where you are qualified to work, it is a slap in the face to be treated like a child.
  • Don't take advantage of the fresh young minds and ideas and not give credit where it is due. Too many times employers take the cheap road and suck their young workers for ideas which are given freely and then make substantial profits for the company.
  • Overworked and underpaid may be cliche but it is never should never try to kill your new employee who is fresh from university with an over exuberant workload. This could deter them from working as it may imply that such workloads are a norm in the business.
With that being said, new graduates can also apply these guidelines to help them get through their first jobs after graduating. I know you as the newbie have no control over what your boss does, but you still have rights and making sure you know your rights and the general labour laws will avoid any future problems of exploitation.



Saturday, June 19, 2010

a cheesecutter and a coke...

From the title you must be asking yourself if I have lost it completely and the answer is still pending...ya know like those blackberry messages you sent since last week Friday and dem still ain't come through yet cause de communications network you on is sour! lol *wink*

But seriously, its my muse for this blog cause I just indulged a little after I told myself bout 5 times...I done for the night! So here I was eating and I remembered I wanted to vent about some things which affect me as well as other people who may find themselves in a similar situation. First lemme put in my disclaimer so those of you who think I'm being unfair know that these opinions are solely MINE...and have not been influenced or sponsored...thank you!

The first topic of the night is academics...why is it important ....and why it shouldn't be so important because a degree or diploma doesn't define who we are. I recently finished my Bsc in Sociology and Psychology and even though I love the learning process in its true form...I do feel like I have wasted 4 years of my life...since I don't want to do anything in this area. 

>>Tip # 1<<: Don't do a subject because you like it, or you believe you will do well....take it from me it's a waste of time if you are basing your choice on this premise. 

And I am speaking from a Caribbean national, specifically a Barbadian point of view...where the diversity of the corporate world is stuck in the 1950's...and the term "doctorlawyerbankmanager" is taken literally.

My advice...i.e. my humblest opinion is to do your research...if you are thinking about going to university to pursue your first degree...research is PERTINENT (important). Find out what job opportunities are available to persons with certain degrees, which areas lack persons with qualifications, and last but by no means least....something you will be happy doing because more than likely it will be your profession for the rest of your life...

Moving on smartly...the second topic is kinda following up the first but in a different light. I felt COMPELLED to speak on the transition from university to the world of work in Barbados....since that is the only situation I have experienced. It can however be summed up in two words "PISS POOR" may say that is harsh but I will justify my answer ... you have 1000+ graduates leaving UWI every year, with a wide scope of degrees...from Law to Microbiology. OK. 

I don't expect that a job will fall in to each and every lap of these graduates...however! I cannot deal with the LACKLUSTER approach taken by corporate Barbados both public and private sector in tapping into these resources while they are fresh. 

>>Case In Point<<: a young man aged 23 graduates and is on the job hunt.. honours degree in Management. Every job description  requires things the average 23 year old may not have....your own transportation, 4-5 years experience etc etc etc. C'mon people be realisitic.. at 23 you cannot be expecting to have 4-5 years work experience at a job which requires you to have a first degree,  and if you have the money to afford a car chances are you already have a's just impossible. 

You know what the end result of this will be if it continues? A Geriatric workforce... because people migrate to other countries who are willing to accept persons with no experience and take the time and INITIATIVE to train their employees. *cough* USA *cough* Europe *cough*

I am beginning to rant so on that note...I will sign off but be prepared for more cheese cutter and a coke moments ... coming to a monitor near you!



Friday, June 4, 2010

Dudus, Oil Spills, Acceptance Letters ...RANT

So after my last blog I kinda went into hibernation watching all of the good TV series I was missing out on since I was busy with UWI. I like my vampires...alot so I have stocked up on my Vampire Diaries and True Blood ( TB starting back on June 15 so....u know).

Along with that, I have been trying to work out since I have so much time on my hands now...I int gine lie... its hard cause you need the motivation and sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything to those people out there who work out avidly every day...more power to you I respect that 100% and one day maybe I will get there but that day just int today!

Even though I was in hibernation I still kept in touch with the outside world a bit, as you can tell from the title, the oil spill in the Gulf but especially the State of Emergency in Jamaica. Now I have never experienced anything like that in Barbados, for the most part we are somewhat quiet, but I really don't know how I would feel being the average Jamaican citizen living in places like Tivoli Gardens. You wake up going about your business as per usual and then suddenly everything looks like a clip from a war movie!

And for one man, I swear he has got to be some sort of demi god cause people were willing to LAY down their lives for this man. I do understand to some extent how it works that these "  dons" protect different communities and in turn some members of the community feel obligated to stand up for that's called loyalty,it's something people were doing from the days of Jesus. 

However, what I don't condone is the killing of innocent people who want nothing to do with the back and forth...that is just WRONG. One thing in particular which pissed me off was the children who had to do CXCs and the government was so adamant that the children should still leave home...even though some schools were do an exam. I don't have children but I do have lil cousins and in a situation as savage as the one in way in HELL my child leaving my eyesight...the exam would come again...I can't however bring you back when you get shot down in the street or worst.

From the looks of it, this situation has some deep historical roots into the cultural and political aspects of Jamaica, which will be revealed soon enough. But I know just what the media is feeding me so, we will have to wait and see how everything pans out in the end.

The oil spill I hardly know anything about but as I was reading up different articles about it I came across one that was just plain ignorant and somewhat irrelevant. This radio host found it necessary to pick on Pres. Obama's older daughter Malia who is ELEVEN....the age we go into secondary school at in to place this in context she is in Class Four/ First Form, depending. Now the host thought that he had the right to critique Malia's level of intelligence because she asked her father if he plugged the hole in the ocean to my knowledge the question was a valid one. It might not have been the best choice of words but she is least she understands what is going on around her....can't say that for some people twice her age...who don't know the capital of their own country (TSK).

All I saying is ...if you don't have anything nice to say...shut your trap and just move on. Don't do something stupid and then make yourself look even stupider by having to publicly apologize for it, when it all could have been avoided.

Last but certainly not least :) I received my acceptance letter from the university I wanted to get into to do my MA (I will divulge all the details at a later date). But I am ecstatic about this because I think I worked really hard at UWI and I deserve the opportunity to continue doing my thing ya know... I will say that I have to leave Bimshire to pursue my studies which is somewhat bittersweet but hey ya gotta do wha ya gotta do..."""  Bim int gine nahway it gine be hey when ya get back"  (thas what my mum said lol). So definitely having the time of my life this summer since this will be my last summer here in Bim as a student cause after the programme its straight to work!!! Oh the joy of being employed lol...anyways I'm signing off here for now...hibernation mode is done so you will be hearing more from moi



Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Rise of a Star: Janelle Monae

From her humble beginnings in Kansas City, I have followed Janelle Monae as an artiste and from then till now she has never disappointed. This exuberant young woman who has been likened to Andre 3000 of OutKast has a very unique approach to her music and performances. Decked out in her black and white tuxedo like ensemble, she always bend society's perception of what a female artist should be. Refusing to conform has made Ms. Monae a much needed breath of fresh air.

Monae is striking in every sense of the word, her music encouraged her move from Kansas to ATL where she founded her label the "  Wondaland Arts Society" ... not your average recording label. Under them she produced her first album "The Audition"  a piece of work which many of the music industry's top moguls slept on and it was highly underrated and never officially released. 

However, Monae caught the attention of music's most outstanding duo "OutKast" and it was influential in the exposure which she received from this point forward. Take a listen to "The Audition"

Monae has since moved onto bigger and better things, signing a distribution deal with Badboy, which has proven to be nothing less that vital to her establishment as one of the biggest names in our time. In my opinion it is very important for Monae to hone her craft under her original label, since as we have seen time and time again in the music industry, young talent is robbed of its uniqueness, and being signed results in their music becoming very run of the mill, their image is altered to fit the mould and the majority eventually fall into the shadows.

This can never be said of Janelle Monae who is on the verge of releasing her second major album "  The ArchAndroid"  which, from the sample she has posted on her Myspace is definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with. They are no filler tracks on this album, each song is lyrically astounding and the beats are equally iconic.

May 18th is the release date for her album and I look forward to purchasing it ....something I rarely do :). Ms. Monae has my support as a fan as long as she stays true to her music.




Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's That Vid Update

The much anticipated video from my favourite songstress Alicia Keys is HERE. She has pushed the envelope from the usual and mundane, in every sense of the word. The video for "Unthinkable" is a breath of fresh air from the overrated trash we see on a daily with scantily clad women, booty shaking, pole dancing and money throwing that is flooding the contemporary music industry.

Ms. Keys has tapped into one of the most sensitive topics which has faced human nature for centuries to bring a message which is relevant yet timeless. Co starring in the video is "One Tree Hill" actor Chad Michael Murray, her Caucasian love interest that was discouraged from getting involved with her due to their difference in race. What strikes me about this video is the transitions from one time period set in the 50's to that of modern day America, yet the same mindset and racist mentality is constant. One must admit it has a storyline which leaves you wondering what will happen next...a great opportunity for another video from her album "  The Element of Freedom"  .

A. Keys has done it again people...she has brought her wholesomeness to the table and it has paid off well. Stay true to your music Alicia Keys and you will always have me as a fan.

Peep at the video below:




Friday, May 7, 2010

What's that Vid??

So since I'm such a music video junkie I decided to start a new thing on here name "What's that Vid?". I'm going to be posting and reviewing videos by artistes who I think really did exceptionally well. This will not be about bashing, so if you don't see the vid's not that it wasn't good just I probably haven't seen it as yet.

So far for the week I have had the pleasure of watching "Why Don't You Love Me" by Beyonce, "Ride" by Ciara and the behind the scenes for "Sex Room" by Ludacris ft. Trey Songs and "Unthinkable" by Alicia Keys (who by the way is my favourite artiste...hands down!).

People are always quick to criticize Beyonce, but honestly is there anything new under the sun? I don't think so we just think stuff is original because we haven't seen it before, doesn't mean it wasn't done. Even though Bey's video is very characteristic of the 60s and 70s, I think she did a great job in capturing the essence of that time period and really bringing it with this video. The lyrics in the song match the entire concept perfectly and she does get a lil cheeky dusting off her Grammys in the end...but that's her right they are hers! I give B.B. Homemaker two thumbs up for keeping it thrilla!!!

Now even though Ci Ci has been off the scene for a bit she hasn't lost her touch. In this collab with Ludacris we see the raw and risque side of the usual girl next door. The song in itself is a play on words and Ciara definitely brought it with the alter-ego ish scenes where she is a diva and a home girl...this vid makes you wanna just go in the gym!!! The ending was somewhat cliche but fitting for the song, riding a bull and dripping wet in a white tee :) Just a bit of Girls Gone Wild!

From what I have seen from the behind the scenes of "Sex Room" and " Unthinkable" they are definite must sees. Luda and Trey are getting their grown and sexy on with some sharp suits and classy ladies. It's definitely a good look, one that some of these other artistes should take note of...the days of big white tees and baggy pants are so over! See pics here

Last but certainly not least, I am so anticipating Ms. Keys !!! This song has been on repeat in my playlist since she dropped the album "Element of Freedom". She must be commended for always having a message in her videos, one which is lasting and has you just wanting more and more (I'm bias, but I really don't care). From the looks of it she has continued on this trend with the vid, I'm seeing some racial themes and its looking good. Show them how to do it Ms. Keys! See more pics and behind the scene clips here.

That's all for now with "What's that Vid??" stay tune for updates and more reviews to come!


Quantity Over Quality??? Crop Over Music 2010

Now that I have so much free time on my hands, I have been browsing and surfing even more and I decided to take a listen to some of the releases for Crop Over 2010 over on my favourite website

At this point I think I should have stayed on the clothing websites and Facebook cause from the few tracks I've been able to endure...I hope that its not a reflection on the entire season. Honestly people, 2009 was such a good year where is the consistency????

I have always questioned why everyone thinks that they can be an artiste. God placed everyone here with a purpose and not everyone is blessed to know what their purpose is early in life but some of the people who choose to sing for carnival really taking it as a joke.

Yes we have our comic reliefs like Contone and Pong, John Mohammed and Nard but when you listen to their music you get a good laugh and a good wukkup!!! My mum always told me it takes an intelligent person to play the role of an idiot and I think this needs to be applied here.Too many people are just doing this ting for doing it sake and don't have nah passion nah drive nah natting! (see my bajan seeping in here cause it startin to get to me!)

But who is to blame for the poor quality of music? The chain of command is a long and winding one; too many hands which music passes through. But namely the artiste, the producer and the DJs are the main tenants in the distribution of music for our festival. "

" Yeah tings tight and evabody tryin to mek a dolla"  but does that mean we sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity. Is it better to have 10 not so good songs than 3 great ones?

I am no artiste, producer or DJ ...but I am the part of the general public and we are the final decision makers when it comes down to a song being a HIT or a MISS, and from what I've been hearing so far...alot of misses!

With that being said, I am yet to hear any songs from the heavy hitters in the industry (I int callin nah names wanna know who wanna is!) and I eagerly anticipate what you will bring for me this year. Yes I said me, cause it's my ears who have to endure or enjoy!

You can take a listen below to some of the tracks that are catching my interest so far:

This list is not go on over to bajantube and take a listen to the rest of the music for 2010.



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Its So Far From Over...It's Just The Beginning

So on April 6pm I was unofficially a graduate at UWI. I wasn't as exuberant as I had expected but I guess it hadn't sunken in as yet. However a week later I am fully adjusted to no studying, no thesis and no boring ass lectures, for now anyways.

Then it dawned upon me that I was so fussy to finish but this is only the beginning. The beginning of the rest of my life and I know it is cliche but all the decisions I make from this point onward will have an everlasting impact on the person I become. Sigh I'm getting way too deep lol I'll leave my rants for later.

The end of exams signal the beginning of another wonderful, fun filled and eventful summer! Summer in Barbados is not just about the weather cause its summer all year round but the entire atmosphere. Everyone is back home, there are too many parties to choose from and last but certainly not least the biggest festival on the island. Some call it Crop Over, other call it Kadooment...I call it the best time of the year. This time I intend to get out to more events, be more involved with the calvalcades, keep in touch with the releasing of tracks and give my reviews on the different party scenes.

So look out for those reviews, costumes and much more on the Y.F.B

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Home Stretch Baby

So while reading this blog (its the biznessssss) lol I realized I have been neglecting my own baby :(. Not good right?

Well this happens when you have a routine: School, Work, Sleep, Bathe, Eat. Cause that's how its been for me for the past 3 months. My life has been overwhelmed by my final year at all makes sense now why people usually drop out in their final year.

Some who don't know how it is will stay on the outside and criticize and speculate but believe me when I is NO JOKE. Don't get me wrong I love the learning process especially when you are blessed with enthusiastic lecturers and tutors who make you want to go to class and listen and come home and continue research (yeah right!) lol but you get what I'm saying.

University calls for you to be self motivated, self employed and self sufficient!!! Key word in that equation is SELF. Education is essential and that's my motivation in this struggle cause NO way I come this far to drop out...I would kick myself in the ass if I did....

So I have approximately less than a month left at uni and I am steadily counting the days cause I cannot wait to be over!!! Learning is fun but its also fun to have no work to come home to, no early ass lectures to wake up for or no late night tutorials that leave you stranded waiting on the 11 pm bus!!! :)

So wish me luck and pray I make it to the end in one piece with the strands of sanity I have left...and to my fellow colleagues who know my struggle cause they have a similar one....more power to you my brothers & sisters. xoxo

Now onto the fun stuff- Things that have kept me sane through the insanity:

Movie to watch: Why Did I Get Married Too?

Tyler Perry's genius continues in this sequel my friends, believe me when I tell you that it is worth every cent :) ( don't mind I watched it online at 3 am...hey no cinemas are open at that time). The plot is full of twists and turns and it has a great cliff hanger ending making way for a part 3 (told you he is a genius). Jill Scott and Janet Jackson must be commended, being superstar musicians they have easily translated this talent onscreen to bring a different side to acting and showing their versatility as artistes! Much love to the other actors especially my FAV Malik Yoba (call me!!!) lol. Don't let the movie miss you, its a great conversation piece.

Songs to listen to: Usher ft. Nicki Minaj - Lil Freak

Usually I wouldn't really be a fan of a song promoting the shit they promoting in this song but something about this song is just drawing me in!!! The music video is really straight up...which I love cause it has a story line..the TRUE essence of music videos (take a hint). Usher has really made a comeback from his hiatus and divorce with the new album "Raymond V. Raymond". If you are interested in a preview you can find it on Bet's website in the new music section.

Kelis- Acapella

Now I have been a fan of Kelis from the days of I hate you so much right now!!! Yeah she has real talent but as with all greats she has a few screws loose but hey its worth it. Her new song "Acapella" is the BOMB, when I tell you she has managed to make a club hit/ motivational song all in one believe me. The message is clear she is speaking about her new born son and its a reflection on her marriage to Nas as well. The music video is characteristic of Kelis... don't mind people are comparing her to Lady Gaga which is absurd. When Kelis was rocking blonde and pink hair where was Gaga???? C'mon people Kelis was our own Black crazy girl but we never accepted her creativity. The video is the bizness

You can peep both below :)

Well that's all for now lovies!!! I'll definitely be more present in May :) the sweet smell of FREEDOM


Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Favorite Things for far!

Hey all, I have been somewhat scarce due to the stress that is UWI, doing two interesting courses (finally!!) and trying to get the best of my thesis...not visa versa lol. However, besides school I have had some time to do some surfing and I have some favourites things for 2010 so far. The year has been quite unpredictable, from the earthquake in Haiti to the death of Alexander McQueen. I guess we just have to be prepared for whatever comes. So here goes my list of favs thus far for 2010. (in No particular order)

Rihanna's video for Rude Boy- people are criticising her for not doing it in Barbados, others are saying its too animated. I SAY its the BOMB, its not your usual video and it throws something into the industry to dilute the generic stuff I've been seeing so far for 2010.

Nicki Minaj's debut onto the mainstream music industry, she has been around for a long time but she is only now receiving the due recognition :)

Now Lady Gaga is a very touchy subject..but I honestly think we need people like her to go to the extremes...a necessary insanity LOL no doubt she has her own sense of style but it always has us coming back for more don't it?

The 25th anniversary for the song " We are the World" couldn't have been remixed at a better time. Haiti is in a bad place right now..but with everyone's help we can band together and make a significant change. They don't need your pity they need your help to rebuild the first independent nation in the Caribbean. Help haiti now!

It was written last year but it sticks to me like glue. Steve Harvey's book 'Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man' has inspired and educated me beyond my biggest expectations. It has not made me think any less of men but has placed me in a position to understand them and their train of thought.

I have a very deep fascination with fashion and when I feel the need to I must be able to go and window shop since half of the things I want call for me to take out a mortgage! But nothing stops a girl from dreaming right? My addiction is specifically to shoes...sigh, just thinking about them makes me happy :)

Below are some of the shoes that I absolutely adore!

Givenchy Jersey Print Open Toe Wedges going @ 990 EUROS

Christian Louboutin Rolando 120 patent leather pumps

Scarpe Dolce & Gabbana - Calzature Dolce & Gabbana

That's just a many more to come!!!!

Well that's all for now I hope you enjoy my video clips and pics for 2010 favs thus far. Remember to stay tuned to the blog and all of the social networks for the season premiere fo Young Fabulous and Bajan. Its going to be a wonderful start to a pioneering aspect in Barbados.

Until next time


Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future

Thursday, January 14, 2010

To Haiti With Lo<3e

I have tried to wrap my head around this catastrophic situation which has affected my neighbouring island of Haiti and have failed each time. When a country that has suffered so much over the years, economically, socially & politically is struck by a massive, unavoidable stumbling block such as a 7.0 earthquake ...we have to ask ourselves how are we so lucky....why them and not us....what did they do to deserve this...and my answer is always the same-:

NOTHING! Haiti never did anything to deserve the continuous bad breaks that are having but somehow....some backward, nonsensical, illiterate jackasses have the BALLS to air their shitholes on the international scene, about why the tradegy happened...and how it could have been avoided...and who is benefitting from it...and how its a political strategy!

Seriously, some of you should have your tongues superglued to the roof of your mouth! People like Rush Limbaugh ...and Pat Robertson who cannot even pronounce the name of the country properly should choke on their tongues with the amount of filth coming from their mouths!

Below are the clips of ignorance...please listen carefully:

Pat Robertson's Ignorance
Rush Limbaugh's Ignorance

On the other hand, there are people out there who see this for what it is...A TRAGEDY...persons such as Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow who put the facts out there...and don't just talk trash. Maddow's clip is especially interesting as she speaks to the Ambassador to Haiti in the US... who has put those fools in their places with the FACTS of history and especially the history of Haiti.

Rachael Maddow's Comments
Keith Oldermann's Comments

To you who read this and know what it is like to deal with tragedy...everyday in Haiti was a tragedy prior to this earthquake so none of us can fathom what it is like now. Let us all do what we can, even if it's a dollar a day, EVERY cent counts. So open your hearts & minds and help our brothers and sisters. Their lives are of equal value to ours, regardless of what some may believe.


Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010- YFB on the Go!!!!

Hi All,

Keeping you updated on all that's Young, Fabulous & Bajan:

  • Fault Station is in the studio and going HARD ( the only way we know how) and spitting absolute FYAH in the booth! We are redefining the meaning of MIXTAPE! Sickest thing you will hear for the year & the decade!

  • Imogen Cooper Barbados' own SUPERMODEL is currently in a competition and we want her to WIN!!!!! Support this 100% BAJAN beauty in her quest to take over the fashion industry
Click here to Vote for IMOGEN :)

Last but NeVeR TOMORROW night and see your girl Risse doing what she does best! The show "Reason Deep" starts at 9 pm Sharp.

So tune in, listen in and be part of the LIVE chat on the HOTTEST website in the Caribbean!

That's all for now...Risse signing out


Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TwentyTen- Year of the Tiger

Happy New Year to one and all, I hope you rang in the new year with all the love and prosperity in China :)

First on the agenda: Fault Station is BACK and they are going innnnnn. The dynamic duo have set their goals for 2010 and are doing all that is needed to reach them. So studio time, writing, spitting 3 songs in one hour...that's how we hustle!

So look out for the mixtape previews, on the scene and behind the scenes footage coming soon!

Secondly, we all know the blog has been approached to do a show on The season starts this month so look out for that - an indepth panel discussion on the domestic violence in Barbados as well as an interview with UP and COMING supermodel Imogen Cooper, Barbadian Born & Raised! That's right we are a melting pot of very talented individuals who intend to TAKE OVER the world. GO Hard or GO Home!!!!

That's it for now...Y.F.B is on the GO for 2010, but will definately be keeping you posted.

Don't forget to keep looking out for the footage and we are going to be on Facebook soon as well so stay tuned.


Y.F.B... the P.R of the Future