Tuesday, February 8, 2011

YFB January Issue- Style- Health n' Fitness {Dre J}

With the start of a New Year, most persons probably make the usual New Years resolution to drop the weight they acquired over the holidays.  Unfortunately somewhere around February, that resolution is quickly forgotten until Crop Over when everyone rushes to the gym to get in shape for their costumes.
Let's break that cycle for 2011 with a few tips to leading a healthier lifestyle:

Go easy on the alcohol- sad to say it has absolutely no nutritional benefits and are empty calories. Easier said than done, especially in Barbados where drinking is the national pass time when partying or socializing. Try to reduce, for example 6 beers can become 3 or 4.
Eat slower - studies have shown persons who eat slowly feel full faster than those who eat quickly, cutting out the need to be going back for 2nd's and even 3rd's which increase the calorie intake.

Most importantly GET ACTIVE!!!!! Everyone doesn't have to join a gym but a sedentary lifestyle is the number one reason why persons gain weight. Thirty minutes a day is a good start and believe it or not, is very effective in helping to prevent many diseases associated with obesity. Time constraints due to work and personal responsibilities are totally understandable, but your health should take priority as well. Start slow with 30 minutes a day: 25 minute walk followed by 5 minutes of skipping, ladies skipping is a great exercise to tone the calves but no matter what activity you choose always remember some exercise is better than no exercise.

Setting realistic goals- even though it may be cliche to say Rome wasn't built in a day, this quote happens to be true. People generally get very frustrated when they don't see results as quickly as they would like and then quit; this is exactly what you want to avoid. By setting realistic short term goals, you will slowly progress towards your overall long term goal while maintaining the confidence and enthusiasm to move forward since are seeing results as you progress.

Eating healthy- let’s be honest Christmas equates to over indulgence for many of us, whether it’s ham, chocolate or endless grate cake. Don't get me wrong, you should enjoy the holidays, however it doesn’t have to lead to obesity. I am by no means a nutritional specialist ( that's another 6 month course for another time) but I do know a little Maths and essentially if you burn more calories than you consume weight loss will occur. When grocery shopping, opt for healthy foods such as fruits as snacks as opposed to chips or chocolates; instead of frying, bake stew or grill your meat. Less fattening foods here and a little more fruits and salad there, and you will be on your way to a healthier lifestyle and all the benefits which accompany it.

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